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Platforms are in the Air October 31, 2007

Posted by emsgeiss in writing/editing/blogging.
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If visions of Dalí-esque diving boards and planks of wood floating around a sky with dripping clouds are going through your mind, you’re probably not a writer. Lately in the writing circles—especially the non-fiction writing circles, there has been a lot talk about the importance of having a platform.  A what? Yeah, a platform—and you thought that all you needed was a fabulously irresistible, well-written manuscript.  The good thing is that you don’t need to head out to one of the big box hardware stores and buy two-by-fours, nails and a hammer, or call Norm Abram or Ty Pennington to your rescue. You probably already have the foundation of for a good platform and don’t even realize it. (No schematics or blueprints needed.)  I realized that about myself while working on two proposals, and ended up writing about the non-fiction writer’s platform in a three-part series for Inkwell Newswatch (IN), the monthly writing and literary e-zine for writers published by Freelance Writing Organization Int’l (FWOI).  Not only has writing about it helped my own platform, maybe reading about it will help yours too. (Okay, so maybe there are some schematics and blue prints out there.) Part one is in the October issue, with parts two and three following in the November and December issues.

Networking Rewards October 31, 2007

Posted by emsgeiss in WAHM/WAHD Stuff, writing/editing/blogging.
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A couple of weeks ago I started networking at business and learning’s Tuesday night chats. (Every Tuesday at 9 p.m., EST.) A fellow AW member introduced me to site. I have been learning so much and the camaraderie is delightful. Business & Learning also holds the Work at Home Expo, a three-day on-line event, which this year is Nov. 13-15, and I managed to work up the courage to not just attend (registration is free to attend), but also be a presenter. I’ll be presenting about theWAHMmagazine, my latest venture. 

Last night in addition to having our usual networking chat, we also did Web site critiques. Everybody should do that. You get such good feedback about how your site looks in other browsers, in other platforms and honest feedback about what works and doesn’t work with your site and how to make it better.  I felt that what I got was a lot like what I give when I edit for my clients. When you design your site, like with writing, you are too close to it to really be objective about how it looks and functions.  So to have a second (third or fourth) pair of eyes look at it from the objective point-of-view of someone who hasn’t anything personal to gain or lose, is a tremendous experience. What’s more, to have respected professionals like Tammy Munson and Wendy Cooper, who run business and learning and the WAH Expo, and Shannon Cherry—who is a featured speaker at this year’s WAH Expo, was mind-blowing.  The input from everyone who participated was great.  If it weren’t for some much-needed sleep and having a couple of deadlines to meet, I’d have gone straight to my design program and started making the suggested changes.   It was truly a rewarding experience, and I can’t wait for the next networking chat or for the Expo!

Scary, scary! It snuck up on me. October 31, 2007

Posted by emsgeiss in parenting & family.
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For some reason, Halloween snuck up on me this year. Boo! Despite my across-the-street neighbor’s incredible display that’s been up for nearly a month, costumes, giant sacks of candy and pumpkins being sold just about everywhere, and even attending a grown-up costume party with my husband, Halloween still said: “Boo! Boogah, boogah!” to me. Maybe it was because we had some unseasonably warm weather during the first couple of weeks of the month and it felt more like summer than anything remotely having to do with a fall holiday. (more…)

Show Review: Obama on Family and Gay Marriage on Ellen DeGeneres October 29, 2007

Posted by emsgeiss in parenting & family, politics.
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I was supposed to be working. Actually I was, doing a final edit of chapter three of my book before sending the chapter off to my publisher, but the house was too quiet with my son at grandma’s, and I turned on the TV for some “background noise.” Who should I see, but Senator Barack Obama (D-Ill.), the first guest on today’s Ellen DeGeneres Show, cutting a rug? A still undecided voter, I had to watch. As he danced out from the green room, he punched the pink punching bag Ellen has set up in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month for which each punch donates $800 to the Susan G. Komen foundation. As Obama showed off his dance moves with DeGeneres, I thought “well at least we know that if he gets elected, there’ll be some rhythm at the inaugural ball.” (more…)

A WAHM, a Telecommuting Dad and the Birth of a Magazine October 29, 2007

Posted by emsgeiss in parenting & family, WAHM/WAHD Stuff, writing/editing/blogging.
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My husband and I have a unique situation, I think. We both work from home—me full time as a writer and editor, he as a telecommuter. I know that there are other families like ours, where both parents work from home either full-time or part-time, and not just “bringing the office home with them,” because there’s more work to be done than there are hours in a given work day, but I’m pretty sure that it’s rare. Somehow though, we have managed to make it work, so far. (more…)

Working from Home: Sound Cushy? It’s Not As Easy As You May Think October 25, 2007

Posted by emsgeiss in parenting & family, WAHM/WAHD Stuff.
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When people ask me what I do, or say “so when are you going back to work?” and I respond with “well, I’m a writer and editor. I work from home,” I often get “that must be nice.” Sometimes it’s a genuine remark, sometimes it’s infused with a bit of sarcasm, and a hint of snarkiness. The inference is that I get to just roll out of bed and stay in my pajamas all day and do nothing but write. Okay, to a certain extent I do, but not in the way that many with traditional jobs think. (more…)

Baby on Board! Grrr. October 24, 2007

Posted by emsgeiss in parenting & family.
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I really don’t like Baby on Board signs. A relic from the ‘80s, some new parents still seem to need to advertise that their vehicle contains a precious bundle, and imply that the rest of us need to drive with extra care because of it. Don’t think that I’m some childless person who just doesn’t like kids. I have a kid. I love kids. And, in fact, I do have a baby on board—or at least I do when he’s in the car. Whether everyone else must yield to those of us who’ve decided to reproduce, is a fairly old debate though, but my estimation is no, especially when we should all be driving in a way that is safe and considerate. (more…)

Erika’s blog is coming soon! October 23, 2007

Posted by emsgeiss in Uncategorized.
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Welcome to my blog! New contents will be coming soon about things related to my writing, my magazine, being a WAHM and well, life in general.
